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Last Five Entries

Ta! - 2004-07-19

First shots - 2004-05-28

I'm the baby, gotta love me! - 2004-05-18

My Photographer - 2004-05-18

Almost 6 weeks old! - 2004-05-05

2004-04-18 - 8:51 p.m.

Finally more pictures! Of course we have been taking pictures by the dozens. Here a few good ones!

Here is mom and Nate taking a break on the couch:

This is the best place to take a nap:

Nate is very hugable and cuddly:

Hmmm, what should I do next? Eat, sleep or poop?

Nate and Dad having some tummy time:

I'm awake and I am not eating or crying!

Mom thinks Nate is beautiful. . . but she is a little biased!

This is Uncle Dave giving Nate a cuddle on Easter:

Dad feeding Nate at Grandma Moo's house (we call them Grandma and Grandpa Moo because they raise beefalo that go "moooooo"):

Grandma Moo talking with Nate with the chickens watching in the background:

Nate getting some sun to get rid of his jaundice (notice Cougar getting some rays as well):

Still writing the story of Nate's birth and will post it as soon as I can get to it. Thank you to everyone for the wonderful messages and cards! Nate is very lucky to be brought into such a loving community of family and friends!

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